"My recipe for a perfect life would be to own a bunch of land somewhere, build my own homestead (ok, my husband would do that part) and live on the beautiful earth with my husband and children. We'd grow our own food and raise our own animals. Nothing huge, but maybe a cow or two and some chickens and a goat...who knows. I'd make all my own soaps and washes. I'd hang my clothes to dry in the beautiful clean air.. I wouldn't be cramped next to a million other houses taking forever to drive down the street because there is so many other people on the road. I'd enjoy the outdoors. We'd run through the open land and just laugh. A Simpler Life. Free of all the complications and garbage in today's society. Free from the daily grime of having the newest and best piece of technology or beauty product shoved down your throat....because there MUST be something wrong with you if you don't buy it. I hate that. I hate everything about the way we live today. I hate feeling like a sheep in the herd unable to make my own decisions or have my own ideas without messing up everything for everyone around me. The black sheep gets left behind. That's how I feel. And it's absolutely ridiculous that that is how things have gotten. That is not a life for my daughter. That does not express the values or the morals that I want her to grow up by, and live by. I want a simpler life. Not free of all civilization or modern conveniences...just free of all the crap. Free to live how I want without having to worry about working til I'm broken just to fork all the money over to someone else's wallet for doing half as much. I want to take the time to enjoy life and the things around it. Not feel like I am rushing through it to just make ends meet or get on to the next unimportant thing in the grand scheme of things. I want to be healthy. I don't think that our world is designed for people to be healthy. Everything we do or consume is designed for poor health. I don't necessarily believe that we are close to finding cures for many diseases....because it makes society more money to remain sick. If you can charge $1500 per month per person with MS for the rest of their life.....for the medication that they believe is helping them (and sure, maybe it is).....why would they want to come out with a cure that each person only takes once? It's sick that that is how I think...I know. But to me, it makes total sense. Not that that is what I think they should be doing...but I believe that is how corrupt our world has gotten. Money is all that matters. The bottom line is above all else. If someday I am given reason to rescind that theory, I will gladly do so. I pray for that day. But until now, I guess that is the one aspect where I truly am a glass half empty person.
My goal at the end of this post: A healthier life. A happier life. A better life. A Simpler life."
And now,my daughter is pulling on my chair and dragging me away from the computer, so I guess that 5 minute copy-paste post is all I am allowed for now!
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